Tuesday, January 10, 2006

January 10, 2006

Integrity...Authenticity...We See a Pattern Here

Apparently, the number one word looked up in Merriam-Webster's online dictionary last year was "integrity." It was looked up 7 million times.

Could be there's a heightened interest and concern with integrity, because of the shameless lack of it in some very high places.

This boxes with the concerns for community that Rev. Gomes has written about and our frequent mentions of the importance of authenticity in products and marketing.

Phonies need not apply.

I'd say that even GM is victim to this interest in straight talk. The company was trying to bop along with extra high prices and extra deep discounts...kind of a phony way to do business, because it treats customers like dopes or pigeons or whatever. Now, on the edge of bankruptcy, the big auto maker has decided to reduce sticker prices and provide less deep discounts.

Uh, have you thought of improving the quality and look of the cars and selling them at a fair price with only modest negotiating room?

Have you thought of providing cars that people really want? Have you thought of getting rid of discursive line extensions?

"As GM goes, so goes the US economy," they used to say. Maybe then. Certainly not now.

Think about a car with integrity and authenticity.

What are you thinking of?

I'll bet it isn't made by GM.


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