Friday, January 06, 2006

January 6, 2006

What's Up with Teens

Matt Mantey passed along a great article from iMedia Connection. Stella Grizont profiles today's teen market, showing how it is the same as it always was, AND how it's different. And, it's different in some important - and encouraging - ways.

One of my favorite books is Peter Gomes' "The Good Book," in which he reviews what the Bible really says about issues like the role of women, slavery, and homosexuality. He intelligently, rationally, and totally debunks the myths perpetrated by the so-called Christian right. (Rev. Gomes is an Episcopalian minister.)

After 9/11, Rev. Gomes wrote another book called "The Good Life," in which he described numerous conversations with young people in America. Most were college students. He was tremendously impressed and optimistic about their sense of responsibility in our world and their commitment to make our world a better place.

I thought of that as I read Stella Grizont's piece. She wrote, "What particularly explains how this generation of teens differs are their core values, creativity, global citizenship and responsibility, and control. It's these values that will endure and continue to affect marketing as they grow up." I find that wonderfully encouraging.

Grizant goes on to tout the importance of authenticity to teens. And, of course, this is something we've been talking about vis a vis all market segments. Authenticity has never been more relevant. Says Grizont about teens, "Their BS meter is a result of formal operational thinking and their social development. As they're struggling to figure it all out, and experimenting with new experiences, teens just need your brand to be straight-up."

Good advice for any brand seeking any market.


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