Monday, May 09, 2005

May 9, 2005

Best Ad Over the Weekend

My pick is the full-page newspaper CBS ad for the Elvis Presley mini-series that premieres tonight. Nice big headline ("Elvis Lives on CBS) and then a 362-question cross-word puzzle with a subhead: "How well do you know Elvis?"

The crossword puzzle questions are all Elvis related. It's a real grabber...tough not to get involved. And, if you're stumped on any of the answers, you can go to A very clever way to involve consumers from the git-go.

I can't remember when I last saw an interactive newspaper ad (other than traditional sweepstakes). Can you?

Tapping in to Diverse Cultures

Rick Boyko, managing director of the VCU Adcenter (in Richmond), told me about an exercise he does with his graduate students in advertising. He asks them each to list their ten favorite movies. The students can't just list the movies. They must describe why they like them. He does the same thing. Then he watches some of their favorites, and they watch some of his. And they discuss. Simple idea. But a great way to learn more about where people from other generations and other backgrounds are coming from. Try it with your kids...or your spouse...or your boss...or your client.

When we mistakedly extrapolate our own cultural tastes and biases on others, our marketing and communications are likely to miss the mark.

On Listening

Warren Bennis, the brilliant business guru, has written a terrific essay on "Building a Culture of Candor - A Crucial Key to Leadership" for The Conference Board. He writes about the importance of having diverse and often contrarian views expressed - and listened to - within an organization. And he notes that George Washington (as depicted in David Hackett Fischer's Washington's Crossing) always listened carefully to the advice of others and generously gave others credit when he had successfully acted upon their ideas. In this morning-after-Mothers-Day, it's nice to hear a complimentary yarn about the Father of our Country.


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Rawle, I should be paying you for your thoughts ...and a lot more than a penny. Thanks for always making me a little bit smarter each day..your biggestfan...xoxox, Carol

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the Elvis mini-series media blitz has to be the four Elvis-themed TV Guide collectible issues that came out last week - complete with mini-cd that contained an unreleased version of "Young and Beautiful".

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're definitely stretching this Elvis mini-series everywhere... from Priscilla sp? on Larry King to Lisa Marie on other shows to the History Channel...

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Warren Bennis say whether you have to implement the comments and ideas others give you? Hard advice for a control freak like me to take. Love your blog, David

At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can hear ricky martin singing to you - "he blogs! he blogs!" great to have you sharing your thoughts here. i look forward to checking daily for some inspiration! best - claire


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